Bridging Neuroscience and AI

Diadem with Bitbrain

Industrial Design for neuroscience by Nacar Agency

A revolutionary diadem wearable dry-EEG headset, integrates neuroscience and AI for real-world human behavior research.

Conventional EEG systems struggled in real-world scenarios due to their bulkiness and intrusiveness.

The innovative dry-EEG solution provided accurate monitoring of emotional and cognitive states in diverse environments.

The ergonomic design of the dry-EEG solution sets new standards, providing widespread comfort and adaptability for studying human behavior in natural settings.

Enhancing Brain Monitoring

Traditional EEG systems lacked adaptability in real-world scenarios. Bitbrain addressed this by providing a wearable, unobtrusive, and adaptable solution for precise monitoring of brain activity in diverse environments.

Track Emotions Anywhere, Anytime

Bitbrain’s optimized design with 12 electrodes ensured accurate estimation of emotional and cognitive states. Its high-performance shielding and stable mechanical design delivered outstanding signal quality, even during movement or extended recording periods.

Comfortable EEG for All Users

Bitbrain's impact extended beyond traditional EEG applications, offering comfort and adaptability for users. The ergonomic design considered a wide range of anatomies, making it suitable for widespread use by individuals, families, and assistants. The design has set a benchmark for the future of neurotechnology, bridging the gap between neuroscience and artificial intelligence.