Physical prototypes vs digital prototypes


In the world of product design and development, one of the key aspects is the creation of prototypes. These preliminary models allow for evaluating and refining ideas before final production. However, the choice between a physical prototype and a digital prototype can be crucial for the success of your project.

User centered design: What is it?

user centered

User centered design (UCD) is an essential methodology in the field of digital design. As user experience becomes the epicenter of design strategies, a thorough understanding of what this methodology entails becomes essential for any company or professional looking to create successful digital products.

The Impact of Design in Business

The Impact of Design in Business

In the constant search for better products and services for its customers, businesses navigate a complex terrain where understanding users, refining value propositions, and making informed decisions are crucial. Our blog post explores the profound impact of design on business strategy, dissecting key actions and benefits that emphasizes the business value of design.

Driving Healthcare Innovation: Nacar Design Joins Forces with Barcelona Health Hub


As Barcelona solidifies its position as a leading digital health capital, Nacar Design’s membership in Barcelona Health Hub enhances their impact in the realm of healthcare innovation. By collaborating and sharing insights with industry leaders, they aspire to become a valuable design partner for various initiatives within the hub. Barcelona’s prominence as a capital of […]

Trustroke: Advancing Stroke Treatment through AI and Human-Centered Design

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Nacar Design, along with 13 European healthcare partners, takes the lead in the Human-Centric User Design process for Trustroke, an AI platform coordinated by The Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) for personalized stroke treatment. Stroke, a leading cause of severe disability worldwide, affects millions of people annually, leaving a significant impact on individuals and their […]